
Tuesday, 20 January 2015 by
low/hot melt glue

Manual or automated application of 1-component low/hot melt glues

The DBM range was developed to process the regular hot melts and innovative reactive low/hot melt glues with the necessary safety precautions.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015 by
DDG - Delta dosing gun for 2-component products

2-component gun

The DAG 003 application gun is suitable for automatic extrusion, spraying and application of 2-component products. The gun is generally used with static mixers, but can be adjusted for dynamic mixing as well.
The gun is modularly designed and has different options to meet the needs of every application. It can withstand a maximum operation pressure of 300 bar.
For more technical details, please see the pdf-folder below.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015 by
car window holders

Automated application of 1-component glue in car window holders

The DHA100 is developped specifically to apply a high viscous 1-component glue into holders. Holders are plastic parts which are fixed to the bottom of the electric side car windows. They connect the window with the small motor causing the windows to move up and down.
This installation, equipped with a simple dosing system, ensures the application of a repetitive shot quantity, avoiding extra cleaning steps to remove excessive glue. The holders can be placed directly onto the window after glue application.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015 by

Application of pasty or high viscous 2-component products

The DMC022 is a metering and mixing system for pasty or high viscous 2-component products. The machine is engineered for the dosing, extrusion and application of your products. Also very thixotropic products can be processed with the DMC022.
Click for more information.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015 by
DMC202 - dosing machine

Application of low to medium viscous 2-component products

The DMC202 system is engineered for the metering and mixing of low to medium viscous 2-component products as epoxies, polyurethanes, silicones, etc.
The installation can be used for manual or automatic applications and has different options. It’s a modular system composed according to the characteristics of the product and your needs.


Thursday, 14 May 2020 by
DRU200 - Hydraulic pumping unit

Hydraulic pumping unit

The DRU is a hydraulic pumping unit for high viscous products ,developed by Delta Application Technics. It meets the safety requirements to ensure a safe work environment for your operators.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015 by
anti-friction coating

Coating of plastic bottles with an anti-friction coating

The spraycoater (DSC100) has been developed to cope with the sticking and scuffing problem of PET bottles. An anti-static coating is sprayed onto the PET bottles to avoid having problems in the filling and packaging lines and get rid of the scratches on the outer surface off the bottles. More technical details can be found in below pdf-folder.

Extrusion unit

Friday, 27 February 2015 by

Application of a pasty 1-component product

Simple pneumatic system to apply a high viscous product fed out of 20 l pails or 200 l drums. Consisting of a double pneumatic elevator, a double working piston/shovel pump and a follower plate with double sealing. Depending on the application and required precision, components can be added such as an accumulator, product pressure regulator, …

Heated cartridge gun

Tuesday, 20 January 2015 by
heated cartridge gun

Heated cartridge gun

This gun has been developed for the daily users of standard aluminum cartridges. When the consumption of adhesive is not big enough to change to 20 L pails, this gun is the perfect intermediate solution.
The operator does not have to put that much manual power anymore to push out the adhesive, as the gun is pneumatically driven and equipped with an ergonomic handle. Furthermore, thanks to the increased pressure ratio, the gun can be used for high viscous fluids as well.
As the temperature gun can be regulated from 20°C to 90°C, the gun can be used for both cold and heated applications.

Heated cartridge gun

Tuesday, 20 January 2015 by
heated cartridge gun

Heated cartridge gun

This gun has been developed for the daily users of standard aluminum cartridges. When the consumption of adhesive is not big enough to change to 20 L pails, this gun is the perfect intermediate solution.
The operator does not have to put that much manual power anymore to push out the adhesive, as the gun is pneumatically driven and equipped with an ergonomic handle. Furthermore, thanks to the increased pressure ratio, the gun can be used for high viscous fluids as well.
As the temperature gun can be regulated from 20°C to 90°C, the gun can be used for both cold and heated applications.